Posted by: Sean Rittenberry | August 27, 2008

Real Life Perseverance

A few weeks ago when I preached on the subject of Perseverance I offered a few personal examples of how my family and I have persevered.  Well, the lessons continue, but not without reward.  As we studied Romans 5:3-5 “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”  

I have since been inspired to persevere yet again.  As many of you know, my son, Shae began Kindergarten a few weeks ago and for all of us this has been a major transition.  Shae picked up a few “bad habits” during his preschool days and we were afraid that they would carry over into Kindergarten.  And, they did!  However, as we prayed earlier this year that Shae would get the same Kindergarten teacher that our daughter had because of her strong discipline and class structure, God heard and answered our prayer.  With what began as yet another lesson in perseverance has quickly turned around and Shae continues to improve.  I thank you all for your prayers as we persevere on a daily basis and see that verse in Romans acted out daily in our lives.  We are definetely progessing towards our goal with a great deal of new found hope!!



  1. I loved your sermon on perseverence! God has big plans for Shae and although at times it may seem to be a “perseverence” issue for you, may I remind you that he is developing character and a great man of God! I pray for Shae and HIS transition to school!

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